Business 2.0 does a nice job of executive soundbites:
Surround Yourself With People Smarter Than You
Chris Albrecht, CEO, Home Box Office
George Steinbrenner, owner, New York Yankees
Remember Who You Are, Not What
Brad Anderson, vice chairman and CEO, Best Buy
Make Hiring a Top Priority
Steve Ballmer, CEO, Microsoft
If You Think You Can’t, You’re Right
Carol Bartz, CEO, Autodesk
Make Your Customers Your Sales Force
Marc Benioff, CEO,
Reinvent Yourself. Repeat.
Alex Bogusky, executive creative director, Crispin Porter & Bogusky
When People Scr*w Up, Give Them a Second Chance
Richard Branson, founder and chairman, Virgin Group
Check With the Wife
Po Bronson, author, The First $20 Million Is Always the Hardest and What Should I Do With My Life?
There Can’t Be Two Yous
Warren Buffett, chairman and CEO, Berkshire Hathaway
The Customer Should Always Be Happy
John Chambers, CEO, Cisco Systems
Don’t Be Interesting — Be Interested
Jim Collins, management consultant; author, Built to Last and Good to Great
He Who Says It, Does It
Simon Cooper, president and COO, Ritz-Carlton
Treat your customers like they own you, because they do.
Mark Cuban, co-founder, HDNet; owner, Dallas Mavericks
and more…