Sit tight and listen keenly:
South Africa’s Hannes Coetzee
The Best Spice Blog on the Web
And the award goes to – the best spice blog on the web!
Move over Victoria Beckham! The authentic spice girl is Courtenay Beinhorn Dunk.
She describes herself as an “obsessive cook, style fanatic, avid traveler, reluctant writer, food photographer when the light is right…” Judge for yourself by visiting the Spiceline archives >>
Wait, there’s more. Spices, you see, are part of our global heritage.
Says Dunk:
“The more I traveled, the more I noticed that spices and their flavors are global. It’s the local tastes that are different.
“When I ate fish head curry in Singapore I could taste the earthiness of the cumin that flavors carrot salad in Morocco and tomatillo salsa in Mexico. In Paris at Ze Kitchen Galerie, William Ledeuil used flowery Tahitian vanilla to bring out the sea-sweet taste of perfectly fresh sea bass. In the West we think of cinnamon as a dessert spice, yet at La Maison Bleue in Fez, it was the dominant spice in a savory 14th century lamb and couscous dish.”
Check out:
– Aurora’s Chicken Enchiladas in Tomatillo Sauce with Garlic and Cumin
– Salt, Salt Everywhere: The Five Salts You Really Need
– Great Reads: Climbing the Mango Trees, a Spicy Memoir of India
There’s even fiction like this bit – SpiceTales: Claire’s Dream
I’ve been so buried lately, that I hadn’t notice that Courtenay has actually answered my request for “butter chicken“… the recipe I’ve been experimenting with for over seven years now. I’ll try it this weekend! Thanks, Courtenay!! 🙂