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“Knowing Christian Sarkar proves the value of life-long learning.  I know so much more because of Christian’s brilliance, creativity and online skills.  We have co-authored articles for Fix Capitalism and The Marketing Journal.  We have co-authored the books Brand Activism: From Purpose to Action, and Regeneration: The Future of Community in a Permacrisis World. Now we are writing a book on wicked problems. Christian continues to advance ecosystem strategy and analysis. See his brilliant ecosystem maps of (1) poverty and (2) wicked problems.  Christian is a goldmine of hyper-conscious thinking and creativity.” 
Philip Kotler the “father of modern marketing”

“Christian constantly brings brilliance, creativity and a deep sense of integrity to everything we have done together. What more could you ask for?”
– John Seely Brown former Chief Scientist of Xerox Corporation and the Director of Palo Alto Research Center (PARC)

“Christian Sarkar is a master at using online media to generate a strong return on marketing spend. He provides a rare combination of design for usability skills and clear understanding of the economic levers driving marketing performance. His unique approach to Double Loop Marketing builds upon the virtual community concepts I outlined in Net Gain. Christian brings proven experience in helping vendors cost-effectively find and convert prospects to customers . . . and then building in the feedback loops to rapidly improve performance over time.”
– John Hagel Management consultant and co-chair of the Deloitte Center for the Edge; former global leader of McKinsey & Co.’s Strategy and Electronic Commerce Practice

“Christian Sarkar’s unconventional techniques are based on sound marketing principles. Don’t be fooled by the apparent simplicity of his techniques; few people know online business as well as this…”
– Raj Srivastava Dean, Indian School of Business, Hyderabad; former Provost, Singapore Mananagement University; Roberto C. Goizueta Chair in Electronic Commerce and Marketing Goizueta Business School Emory University

“Christian has been the ultimate partner to work with in getting my message regarding sustainable business out to the world.  Not only does he have a deep and abiding knowledge of the subject, but he is also incredibly saavy when it comes to the tech world.  And perhaps most importantly, he is generous with his time and a true pleasure to work with.”
– Stuart L Hart founder of Enterprise for a Sustainable World; author of “Capitalism at the Crossroads” and “The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid” (w/ CK Prahalad).

“Working with Christian was an amazing experience. He applied his broad and deep knowledge of marketing and web technology, his great writing skills and his network of professionals to help my company (and me personally) achieve our marketing goals in the span of a few months. He was always there when I needed him and we became great friends along the way. One of a kind!”
– Anthony Ulwick founder and CEO of Strategyn, LLC; creator of Outcome-Driven Innovation (ODI) and author of “Jobs to be Done: From Theory to Practice

“Christian Sarkar does a brilliant job of crafting pragmatic and effective web presences and web marketing efforts for his clients. He knows what it takes to establish a web identity, build content, drive traffic and all the million little details that distinguish his services as among the best available today. Last but not least, he’s a pleasure to work with and to learn from.”
– Douglas K Smith consultant, author, innovator

Lately we have discovered one Christian Michael Sarkar …. His Double Loop Marketing aids intelligent companies to use brainwaves to sell their wares and services to the many knowledge professionals who have real disposable income in the great out there. You can read about his Double Loop services. In fact, Sarkar thinks “Shooting Birds and Catching Fish” is a perfect explanation of what Double Loop is all about.
His marketing process, when linked with very substantive content, can increase your pool of qualified prospects by more than 300%.
– William Dunk William Dunk Partners, Inc.

“Christian is a source of great ideas. His enthusiasm is second only to his knowledge about how to get attention in the marketspace. If you need quick results, hire him ASAP.”
– John Tammaro former SVP, Masius, New York; former Sr. Strategy Manager, General Electric

“Christian’s uniqueness lies in his ability to bring fresh perspectives to familiar issues, to quickly identify and analyze emerging issues, and to distill the results into clear, concise observations. I have seen Christian apply these attributes in the broadest range of subjects, from market trends in the chemical industry to employee communications…”
– John Gersuk Manager of Public Affairs, Bechtel Group

“Pioneering brand activist with an eye for breakthrough ideas.”
– Thinkers50


Testimonials from my first job >>