What is business acumen?
In the latest S+B, Ram Charan writes:
“the art of business acumen: linking an insightful assessment of the external business landscape with the keen awareness of how money can be made — and then executing the strategy to deliver the desired results.”
“…the ability to position their companies advantageously while operating within the same external landscape as their competitors.”
So how does one go about getting these insights into the external business landcape?
Charan suggests you ask yourself a series of six questions, and explore the ideas with colleagues and peers:
1. What is happening in the world today?
2. What does it mean for others?
3. What does it mean for us?
4. What would have to happen first (for the results we want to occur)?
5. What do we have to do to play a role?
6. What do we do next?
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Good comments on a useful article. I just wanted to “plug” that a good way to do these business acumen learnings are through Simulations.
It can be a simulated board game (well, monopoly is the oldest one but there are others) and its one way to try & learn this skills before or during your career as a business person.