There’s an interesting interview with Ronald Heifetz about “the leader of the the future” in an old edition of Fast Company which made me think about the difference between Barack Obama and John McCain.
Here’s what made me sit up:
“Imagine the differences in behavior between leaders who operate with the idea that “leadership means influencing the organization to follow the leader’s vision” and those who operate with the idea that “leadership means influencing the organization to face its problems and to live into its opportunities.” That second idea — mobilizing people to tackle tough challenges — is what defines the new job of the leader.”
OK. There it is in black and white. The difference between Leadership 1.0 and 2.0. Sounds cheesy, but hey, it is reality.
Leadership 1.0: authoritarian, fear-driven, no dissent, command and control.
Leadership 2.0: participative, purpose-driven, dissent encouraged, guide and coach.
[I know, we could compile lists like this for days on end…]
But think about it. This is nothing more than McGregor’s old Theory X versus Theory Y.
God help this world if Theory X wins this time around!